Wow ... Amazing !!! Turns Simple Banget Knocked Coral Dental, Dental As You Go White Pearl, the following steps were.

Tips Health

Tartar is mineral deposits which are yellow or brown stick to teeth, which can lead to periodontitas, especially when it is passed so easily no attempt to clean it.

To remove tartar, most people would go to the doctor, but in fact, you can also do this procedure yourself at home.

But the need to remember is, these steps will not eliminate tartar quickly as performed by dentists. To eliminate coral piling up, there are many choices of healing.

Some of the materials required are:

hydrogen peroxide
Baking soda powder
Antiseptic dessert
dental pick
Tooth brush

The steps are:

Mix one cup of hydrogen per0ksida with 1/2 cup of warm water, then kumurlah with a combination of that for a minute. Remove, then rinse with 1/2 cup cold water.
The most common tools and effective way to get rid of tartar is baking soda. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1/2 teaspoon salt in a cup. Then, soak the toothbrush in warm water and dip them in combination. Begin brushing your teeth wearing that combination. All systems must be done for 5 minutes.
Wash your mouth with an antiseptic dessert.
Use dental pick to clean the rocks on the tooth. Do it carefully, so as not to erode and cause damage to your gums.

To obtain a pearly white teeth and a beautiful smile follow these tips:

1. Consuming cheese.

Eat Swiss or cheddar cheese before eating, it will help neutralize the acid causes tartar.

2. Strawberries and tomatoes.

Tomatoes and strawberries are amazing fruit to protect the health of the mouth, because both are rich in vitamin C. They can whiten teeth and smooth tartar. Quite soon rub tomatoes and strawberries into gear and let stand for 5 minutes. You can do the same, using other foods are also rich in vitamin C, such as lemon, orange, lemon, pepper and papaya. Then, wash your mouth is on a combination made of baking soda and warm water.

The tips to protect oral health:

You should regularly use dental floss.
Clean your mouth in a natural way to wear saliva triggered from spicy foods that will produce salivary glands.
To prevent bacteria proliferate, brush your teeth before bed wearing orange skin without rinsing.
Time brushing, use a soft toothbrush and create vertical movement. Be sure always to clean the room of the gums and teeth.

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Wow ... Amazing !!! Turns Simple Banget Knocked Coral Dental, Dental As You Go White Pearl, the following steps were.