As you wish Prayer Fulfilled? Pray In Time homage ... !!! In homage Time,,,,, why ??? Read More

Every human being must have the need and the desire to complete the journey of his earthly life. To comply, certainly requires a struggle. And the struggles of anything will not succeed no blessing from Allah SWT. So, pray together among the most powerful step we are asking all of what we need and desire in him.

However, sometimes we felt prayers being said not only dikabul. Well, unless we reproduce seek forgiveness to God, because it could be a prayer is not valid due to sin piled diijabah. We should also be able to search for a suitable moment to pray for easy diijab4h. When was that?

One of the ideal moment for us to pray is when prostration. Yes, when we ask what prostration desired and needed. The final prostration in prayer was the most important. Why when prostration? Therefore, the closer we prostrate to Allah SWT.

From Abu Hurairah RA, Rasulullah SAW said, "The conditions are the closest to a person with a servant of his Lord is when prostrating, so multiply prayer (when prostration)" (HR. Muslim).

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As you wish Prayer Fulfilled? Pray In Time homage ... !!! In homage Time,,,,, why ??? Read More